

bodyCushion for Pregnancy

Optimizes maternal and fetal hemodynamics by affording the patient comfortable prone positioning for pregnancy, even in the late third term.*

Optimizes intubation and hemodynamics in prone for ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) patients. Appropriate for extended periods of intubation prone, even 16 hours or more.*

Preeclampsia is addressed effectively in the late third term by positioning the patient prone. (ref. a study being conducted by PATH, an NGO concerned with health issues worldwide)

*(Article ref. available on this website).

In prone, the patient is positioned semi-quadrupedally, (as on all fours, on elbows and knees). Her torso is supported principally on the bony landmarks of its frame, those being the clavicles, sternum, ribs below the breasts and the anterior-superior-iliac spines (ASIS). Her torso is thus suspended in complete comfort. Her spine is unloaded. There is no supporting pressure on her breasts. Her fetus is hammocked in an anatomically designed opening for the pregnant uterus, thus allowing her pelvis to be free of otherwise imposed pressures by the fetus to her pelvic vessels and nerves. Back pain is eased and pressure to the abdominal organs is alleviated. The patient can breathe unrestricted breaths.

The elevation of prone support provides hip flexion, combined with the hammocking of the fetus, affords maintaining the integrity of the uterine ligaments. Also, this relatively elevated position for the torso facilitates a balance of blood flow as parts of the body are below the level of the heart. The heart is not applying pressure to the lungs, and other abdominal organs and the fetus are not applying aortic pressure. Patient blood pressure and hemodynamics are optimized.

Ease of use: The height of the support allows the patient to ease herself to prone from a kneeling position, likewise, when arising from prone (back to her knees), she simply eases herself back upright to a kneeling position with minor assistance from her arms, without engaging the muscles of her lumbar spine, preventing the QL’s from going into spasm.

Side lying in lateral recumbent is simply achieved by separating the pelvic support from the chest support about 4 inches. The patient then turns to the right and places her left shoulder between the chest and pelvic supports, (LL). Her head then rests at the sternum area of the chest support. The leg support is placed between her legs with her hips and knees flexed 90 degrees.